At the moment, Lee is playing the role of Storm Shadow in the Hollywood productionG.I. Joe 2: Retaliation which is shooting in New Orleans. He played the same character in the 2009 film G.I Joe: the Rise of Cobra.
His other credits include starring in KIM Jee-woon’s "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" and "I Saw the Devil", as well as PARK Chan-wook’s "Joint Security Area (JSA)".
With a hot fan base in Japan, Lee is due to return to Korea and prepare for a Japanese arena tour where he will meet with an estimated 60,000 fans at the end of the year.
Choo previously directed the hit comedy
Lee will act in both the roles of the charismatic king and the sympathetic commoner, with a romantic connection with the queen as well.
Formerly, director KANG Woo-suk
The film
source : KOFIC
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